Saturday, December 31, 2016
In the world of digital marketing, the numbers tell the story.
Want to know if the time your are spending writing those clever Facebook posts is worth it?
Check the number of reactions, comments and shares you are getting and see how many of your "Fans" and their friends you are reaching.
Are your followers loving your tweets on Twitter? Check the number of retweets you are getting.
It seems like every action you take online has a COMPLETE analytics suite to support it.
That can be good, but it can also be a little - no A LOT - overwhelming!
I will confess, I am a "numbers guy".
But, I will even admit that, after awhile, everything runs together and the value of any single "metric" starts to lose its meaning.
That's why I focus on just 5 numbers, the 5 digital marketing metrics that will drive your business in 2017.
Key Metric #1 - Page Behavior on Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a number lover's nirvana. The problem is there are literally thousands of numbers to look at.
I go directly to a single screen to see how our website traffic as a whole, as well as any single individual page, is doing.
It's the "All Pages" screen. Here's the one for, one of our two websites.
You can get there by entering Google Analytics, then selecting the "Reporting" tab first and scrolling down and clicking on "Behavior". Once there click on "Site Content" and then "All Pages".
Look at the wealth of information!
I can see our top perfroming pages ranked by "Pageviews" and all of the key data on each. From there I can make decisions about what's working, what's not and what our community wants more (or less!) of.
For instance, from the data above I can see that two of our free offers are crushing it (#2 and #4) and that we might want to add a free offer on top Instagram Hashtags (that blog post received 63,000 pageviews and people spent, on average 10:01 on the page!)
Key Metric #2 - E-Mail Open Rates
What's the point of spending all of the time and effort building an email list if the people on the list never open the emails that you send them?
Yes, email open rates are a critical metric that you should be intimately familiar with, but what's a good open rate?
That's a question I get asked A LOT!
My answer is "It depends", and that answer usually drives people crazy! But, let me explain and you will see why.
So far in 2016 we have sent 65,823 "batches" of emails ranging from a single email to a single person to one reaching over 160,000 individual subscribers.
Our opens rates ranged from a low of 5% to a high of 68% with an average of about 14%.
The massive fluctuation is based on the segment of our entire subscriber base we choose for the mailing and the subject.
For instance, the results below are for a follow-up email we sent to people who signed up for and attended one of our open training webinars.
A whopping 48% of the subscribers opened the email and 15% actually clicked on one of the links in it.
Whereas just 11% of the subscribers receiving one of our recent newsletters opened it and just 2% clicked on a link.
However, the "top" performing email had 236 link clicks while the "bottom" performing one had 2,493!
My point?
Email open rates are a critical digital metric that will drive your business in 2017.
Email open rates are a critical digital metric that will drive your business in 2017.
You need to become familiar enough with yours to understand what a good open rate is versus a bad one based on your business, your market and the type of emails you are sending to the different segments of your list.
Key Metric #3 - Facebook Post Engagement
Our Facebook Fan Page numbers are HUGE. We have 400,000 Fans and our posts typically reach 1,000,000 - 10,000,000 people per week.
However, in my opinion, those numbers don't mean a thing!
What really matters is the number of people "engaging" (meaning reacting, commenting or sharing) with our Facebook posts.
As a rough comparison, the number of Facebook Fans you have is similar to the size of your email list. The number, or percentage of post engagements is similar to your email open rate and link clicks.
I know our posts for the week are particularly engaging when the post engagement rate (number of post engagements divided by Facebook Fans) is above 25%. In the screen shot above it's 29%, which is pretty strong.
Key Metric #4 - Landing Page Conversion Rate
Is this a good landing page? By good, I mean high converting.
Let's find out.
We have an absolute scale we measure our landing pages performance against.
If our landing page conversions rate (the number of people who complete the information divided by the number of people who land on the page) is under 30% we pull the page, work on it and try again.
From 30% to 50% is considered "average" for us and we leave the page up while we continue working on it.
Above 50% is considered "good" and we pore a disproportionate percentage of our Facebook Ads budget to promote is.
How do you calculate your landing page conversion rate? There are lots of ways. Google Tag Manager is free and pretty easy to set up.
We use Facebook Ads and fiind the two pieces of data we need in the Ads Manager dashboard.
The landing page conversion rate is simply the "Results" (the number of people who made it to the "Thank You" page) divided by the "Link Clicks" (the number of people who clicked the actual ad and were taken to the landing page).
In the example above ,the landing page conversion rate is w whopping 60.2% (5,231/8688).
So, the answer to my question is "Yes", this is an exceptional landing page.
Key Metric #5 - Blog Social Sharing
We use a WordPress plugin (Social Warfare) to make sharing our blog content quick and easy.
How many people share our blog posts, and where, tells us the relative value of the information we are providing for our online community.
For instance, the realtively new post above, a post about the best time to post on Facebook, has been shared 149 times...on Facebook!
We have had posts shared 50,000+ times and other shared under 100. By tracking this metric we know which of our blog posts are resonating the best with our community.
A Few Final Words about Digital Marketing Metrics
What I have presented above are the 5 digital marketing metrics I use on a weekly basis to tell me, in a glance, how our website, email, Facebook, landing page and blog are performing.
Each of the above is free and realtively easy to set-up.
Don't be afraid of the numbers, embrace them. They provide amazing insights that will drive your entire business in 2017!
Don't be afraid of the numbers, embrace them. They provide amazing insights that will drive your entire business in 2017!
What are your favorite and/or the most powerful digital marketing metrics you look at? I would love to hear you answer in the comments section below.
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Filed Under: Business Building, Digital Marketing
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During the first six Trumpets, Yahuwah provides everyone living with a final opportunity to accept salvation before human probation is eternally closed.
The first six Trumpets (unlike the seven last plagues) are mixed with mercy; we know this because only one-third of the targets are afflicted.
“But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent . . .” (Revelation 9:20-21)
young people dancing - city lifeIn an effort to awaken the world, what else could Heaven do, give, or offer that has not already been done in the eternal sacrifice of Yahuwah’s only begotten Son, Yahushua?
“Even so, Yahuwah Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.” (Revelation 16:7)
By persistent rebellion and refusal to heed the warnings of the first six Trumpets, humanity will in effect be challenging Yahuwah to close probation.
“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” (Revelation 22:11)
The unrepentant will be ripe to taste the undiluted seven last plagues - the 3rd and final Woe.
“The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe is coming quickly.” (Revelation 11:14)
“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Master, and of His Anointed; and He shall reign forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)

Friday, December 30, 2016
4 When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you. 5 If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand. 6 If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear— 7 Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message. 8 If it be the devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him. 9 These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God.
the kingdom of heaven is like Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a ... New International Version "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he ... Matthew 13:45 · Matthew 13:44 NLT · Matthew 13:44 NASB · Matthew 13:44 NIV The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like... The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22:1-14) starts out by these intriguing words: “The kingdom of heaven is like...” In the Gospels there are several parables that start with these words. ... The kingdom of heaven is like “a king” — a single, identifiable being.Mar 22, 2014
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
European markets fell more than British ones, a nod to how Britain’s decision will be felt across the continent. Markets in Asia closed in the red, with Japan’s Topix 100 Index falling over 7.5% on the day. MOST POPULAR Three countries in three continents: After Modi’s India, demonetisation is spreading around the world SPONSOR CONTENTBY GE World in Motion
Samuel Barnes2 months ago (edited) Trump is not a zionist.. they hate him and he's your only hope at the moment.. but yes this info is basically accurate but its up to "you" to do something about it.. 'you' the people have to stand up.. so please hurry coz they're ripping up 'your' constitution as each second passes .. hurry please ! no one has listened to all the video and its very important your all just freaking out like headless chickens which is exactly what 'they' want !!!
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