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if you’re attuned enough, you can interpret that data and make good decisions that’ll further advance you toward your desired goal.
Kai Greene
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This is my practice, my routine, my sanctuary. Realize that more things are going on in a training session than can be measured by time or weight being used. Long before any person can see pounds of muscle growth, there are hosts of processes that must occur. These processes happen through repetition. From the first rep to the last, sensory triggers are stimulated, and if you’re attuned enough, you can interpret that data and make good decisions that’ll further advance you toward your desired goal. It does take experience in the gym, so you can’t expect to be a beginner and just walk right in and do it, but it’s something that can be learned.
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Friday, April 13, 2018
How We Can "EAT" Sunlight ... What Wheatgrass, Chlorophyll & Sunlight Can Do for the Body by Sayer Ji, Founder Have you heard? Humans like plants CAN harvest energy directly from the Sun using the chlorophyll in their food.
What Wheatgrass, Chlorophyll & Sunlight Can Do for the Body
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Posted on: Tuesday, March 27th 2018 at 10:30 am
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018
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Video Transcript: What Wheatgrass, Chlorophyll & Sunlight Can Do for Your Body
Ty Bollinger: We probably got a couple dozen herbs within a stone’s throw of us right here that will treat cancer, don’t we?
Sayer Ji: Absolutely. In fact, that knowledge has been passed down since the origin of life, you know, of our species. We’re just now re-capturing it. People should know though the science is now coming back and confirming that the old wisdom is absolutely scientifically validated.
Ty Bollinger: Last question, Sayer. Talk about wheatgrass.
Sayer Ji: Oh, wheatgrass.
Ty Bollinger: Wheatgrass, with all of this green around here.
Sayer Ji: Oh, I love it. Because for me wheatgrass was always a double-edged sword. Because it’s from wheat, and yes, gluten-reduced. I used to actually go get it, use it, work with people that would take it. Some would get sick, some wouldn’t. Some would feel great healing effects.
Then you’d see research on how, for example, on the old dog model, it will completely reverse cataracts in some cases. Just giving wheatgrass powder.
So when I started looking at the research I’m like there’s more to this. It turns out chlorophyll is an alternative source of energy for the human body. And actually all animals have this ability.
Because it goes into the mitochondria as a metabolite. It enables the mitochondria to capture sunlight energy, which photo-energizes the Krebs cycle in such a way that it produces significantly more ATP – which is sort of the energy currency of the body – without increasing oxidative stress.
This is a new study that came out last year which completely undermines our classical understanding of our bodies as only being able to eat other things to live. Basically we can, if we have adequate chlorophyll in our diet – wheatgrass being one of the best sources – directly capture the sunlight. And not only it does increase the production and efficiency of ATP in our body, it increases the longevity, at least in the earthworm model which is what they use it for.
We will see animal studies and probably human studies soon. Because basically this reclassifies us from heterotrophs which depend on other things, to photo-heterotrophs, which means we can actually take sunlight directly into our body.
Keep in mind it doesn’t just mean the wavelengths, that are like you know, obviously the sunlight we see. Red, for example, is a wavelength that goes deep into our tissue as well. It can even penetrate the skull and go into our brain and energize our brain.
So this research kind of reveals how—because cancer loves glucose, right? It loves to ferment it, produces all these biomass. The ATP-based model of energy is more about bio-mass and less about how we can actually capture energy to fuel our body.
Learn more by reading related articles on the topic:
Groundbreaking Discovery: Animal Cells Powered by Chlorophyll/Sunlight
Amazing Discovery: Plant Blood Enables Your Cells To Harvest Sunlight
Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji is founder of, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.
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The Country that are................................................................................................................................
TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3707931 When the travelling bug bites you, you want to explore as many countries in the world as you possibly can. If you have planned for that long pending holiday that can assist you to relax and let go of the problems you face at your job or at home, you may have wondered about the safety of where you plan to visit. Because holidays are something to be treasured, do not risk ruining them because of bad experiences. The bitter truth is, some nations are better for you to go than others. Earlier this year, the WEF (World Economic Forum) released the annual Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report that studies the travel and tourism sectors in 136 nations worldwide. The additional feature that comes along with the report is ranking the security of these countries. It does not account for petty crimes though; just the extent to which a country exposes businesses as well as tourists to safety risks via terrorism and violence. In no particular order, here are the twenty most dangerous countries that you can consider crossing off your bucket list. THAILAND The country’s southern provinces - Songkhla, Yala, Narathiwat and Pattaya - have gotten a bad reputation for security in the country in the last thirteen years. Pattaya has particularly suffered a spate of muggings by motorcycle operators, and there have been incidences of mugging of tourists by gangs in the area, mostly made up of young boys. More than 6,500 deaths have unfortunately occurred because of violence, and there is a martial law in the region. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708321 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (DRC) This troubled country has had some unfortunate incidents with its political temperatures from its past, in addition to insecurity. The country has a high prevalence of armed bandits and groups in many parts, as well as the armed forces controlling the nation. Because of this, there is a high chance that travelers will come across armoured vehicles, attack helicopters and armed troops. The capital, Kinshasa, is particularly notorious for its crime, both in daylight and evening hours. If you are in the country, avoid taking pictures, do not trust anyone who offers you help, and avoid areas that the locals deem risky. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708333 GUATEMALA Because this country shares a border with Mexico, this area is one of the most dangerous areas of the country because of the infamous and constant human trafficking and drug smuggling operations. The country also has the fifth highest homicide rate in the Caribbean and South America last year, as well as other crimes like armed robberies and carjacking. Robbery is gender-neutral in the country, so carrying a money belt for your valuables and using cabs and tour companies is the best way to protect yourself. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708347 SOUTH AFRICA Because of the high crime rates, murders and rape incidents, many locals have resorted to armed guards to protect them, especially in the remote settlements and townships. Despite this, urban areas such as Cape Town still attract visitors due to their beautiful spots. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708364 JAMAICA The country does not have a travel advisory yet, though shootings and violent crime are common in some areas of the country like Montego Bay and Kingston, and it can affect you even if you stay at a resort or a hotel. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708376 CHAD This central African nation mostly suffers due to its proximity to Nigeria and Sudan. An unfortunate target of extremist groups such as Boko Haram, ISIS and Al-Qa’ida, these groups have not only targeted foreigners, but locals as well. Border crossings with Sudan and Libya are risky areas due to minefields and border conflicts. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708386 BANGLADESH Right in the heart of the Middle East, the threat of terrorist attacks is rampant, in addition to extreme weather conditions, which put the nation at risk of natural calamities such as earthquakes, flooding and cyclones. The contrasting thing is that the Bangladeshi people are very friendly and hospitable. Even though this is the case, be guarded because incidences can happen without any warning. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708406 LEBANON The verbal conflict with Saudi Arabia and the resignation of the Lebanese prime minister have led to the country getting into a political crisis. A country that has withstood the worst of extremist groups terrorism attacks, the country acting as a base for many of them. Even situations that seem minor such as protests and smaller disputes can sometimes turn violent. This situation does not really influence the overall safety levels, as the capital is one of the safest in the volatile Middle East and North Africa region, but keep you guard on even as you travel in the country. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708420 MALI The capital, Bamako, frequently suffers from terrorism attacks, as well as the central and northern parts of the country. Most incidents occur at restaurants and hotels. An example is an unfortunate incident in 2015 in the capital that involved a number of people taken hostage and killed in a Radisson hotel. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708431 UKRAINE Since the fighting between the Russian-backed army separatists and the Ukrainian army escalated, the South Eastern and Eastern parts of the country have become mostly insecure, with even civilians getting involved. This specifically applies to regions such as Crimea, Donetsk oblast and Luhansk oblast. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708450 PHILIPPINES Foreigners are mostly the target of kidnappings, mostly in the southern Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago, as well as incidents like the recent shooting and fire incident that occurred at a casino in the capital, Manila in 2017. Some spots to avoid in the country include Marawi, Joho province - where the Suhu archipelago is located, Basilan province - unless you have security personnel, Cotabato province, and the Metro Manila. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708486 KENYA The country has many beautiful destinations to see and experience, but has lately suffered its share of terrorist attacks outside the capital, and terrorism threats still abound. There is also increase in violent crime in some areas of the capital city, Nairobi, with stabbings being common. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708497 HONDURAS The nation has an infamous record of having the highest murder rates in the world, and the military as well as the police presence is wanting. The department of Gracias a Dios is heavily plagued with drug trafficking and crime issues as well. Most homicides in the country, approximately 70%, occurred in the districts of La Ceiba, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708508 EGYPT According to, this country is on first place on the list of dangerous places, with issuance of travel warnings by the U.S. Department of State. Extremist groups such as ISIS have been a serious threat to public venues in the country, and this includes tourism and recreational sites. The groups normally target various transport modes as well as women solo travelers, so the key to protecting yourself: do not go there alone. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708518 NIGERIA There are two extremist groups operating in the country, Islamic State West Africa and Boko Haram. They are responsible for the kidnappings and violence that occur in the country, especially northern Nigeria. They also target areas having dense populations such as restaurants, schools, churches and hotels. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708537 VENEZUELA Much of the social unrest in Venezuela is due to shortages of basic goods such as medicine, water, electricity and food. One of the highest crime rates worldwide is in this country; and this includes carjacking, murders, kidnappings and armed robberies. If you are a foreigner you are an easy target because the locals view you as having more money than them, and do not expect justice if robbed - only very few crimes end up being prosecuted. There is also a phenomenon called “virtual kidnappings”, where you fill certain forms. The locals advise against this because it is usual a fraud for gangs to collect information on their family members. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708556 EL SALVADOR The country has one of the highest homicide levels in the world, in addition to the many gangs that infiltrate the country, also known as maras. These gangs engage in violent activities like drug and arms trafficking and extortion. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific
problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708556 EL SALVADOR The country has one of the highest homicide levels in the world, in addition to the many gangs that infiltrate the country, also known as maras. These gangs engage in violent activities like drug and arms trafficking and extortion. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.

Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708585 PAKISTAN The main problem in Pakistan is religious conflict, and it has had this problem for many years, with certain religious groups facing violence. The government has also forbidden foreigners from accessing certain areas in the country as well as greatly limiting the freedom of speech. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708612 COLOMBIA Pablo Escobar may be long dead, but even though there was recent recognition of Medellin as the best tourist destination in South America, the country still poses a high risk for tourists. Armed gangs, drug trafficking, criminal groups and enterprises such as BACRIM, and robberies still occur throughout the country, while the capital sometimes suffers from acts of terrorism. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708663 YEMEN The country’s capital, Sanaa, is the base of many rebel groups that target and detain mostly American citizens. The country also has a high prevalence of active extremist groups such as Al-Qa’ida. The other problem is the lack of basic amenities like medical assistance, water and food because of frequent air strikes and land mines. There is a lot of insecurity in the world today. Even when travelling to other parts of the world, make sure to take care of yourself, because bad situations can happen anywhere. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.
Read more: TOP 20 MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD FOR TOURISTS NOV 25, 2017 AT 02:31 AM 3708682 YEMEN The country’s capital, Sanaa, is the base of many rebel groups that target and detain mostly American citizens. The country also has a high prevalence of active extremist groups such as Al-Qa’ida. The other problem is the lack of basic amenities like medical assistance, water and food because of frequent air strikes and land mines. There is a lot of insecurity in the world today. Even when travelling to other parts of the world, make sure to take care of yourself, because bad situations can happen anywhere. Click "Next" to continue reading: Content on doesn't constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. You should always consult a suitably qualified appropriate professional regarding any specific problem or matter.

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There were more than 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe from 1933 to 1945. There were 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1000 prisoner of war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, "Germanizing" prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers.
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Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Will there literally be streets of gold in heaven? Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Email Address Submit streets of gold Question: "Will there literally be streets of gold in heaven?" Answer: Heaven’s streets of gold are often referenced in song and poetry, but harder to find in the Bible. In fact, there is only one passage of Scripture that references streets of gold and that is in the Holy City, the New Jerusalem: “The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass” (Revelation 21:21). So does this verse tell us that there will literally be streets of gold in heaven? And, if so, what is the importance or significance of literal streets of gold? The Greek word translated “gold” is chrusion, which can mean “gold, gold jewelry, or overlay.” So to translate it “gold” makes complete and perfect sense. In fact, struggles of interpretation often come up when people attempt to determine which parts of the Bible to take literally and which parts to take figuratively. A good rule of thumb when studying the Bible is to take everything literally, unless it doesn't make sense to do so. And in this chapter of Revelation, John isn’t just throwing out random descriptive terms. In the early parts of Revelation 21, he is given a rod to measure out the city (verse15), and he specifically describes the wall of heaven as being composed of jasper and the city itself also of gold (verse18). He also describes the foundations of the city walls being comprised of many specific precious stones and jewels (verses19–20). So with these specifics in mind, the description of golden streets makes perfect sense in comparison to the rest of John's eyewitness description. So, if heaven’s streets are made of gold, what is the point? First, notice the condition of the gold. When gold is uncovered on earth, it is not in the desirable condition that jewelers are looking for. The gold must be smelted in order that impurities float to the top for removal, leaving only the pure gold behind. The gold that John saw in heaven was of such quality that it appears to be transparent in order to reflect the pure light of God’s blazing glory. And God’s ability to purify is not confined only to gold; God has purified all who will enter His heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Not only is God’s holy city one of purity by His design, so are the citizens of that city. As we investigate this idea of golden streets further, there are some teachers and scholars who do not hold to the idea that heaven’s golden streets are literal. However, by looking simply at the text God has given us within the context of the entirety of John’s revelation, there seems to be no reason to doubt it. However, our attention in eternity will hardly be focused on earthly treasures. While man pursues treasures like gold on earth, one day it will simply be no more than a source of pavement for the believer in heaven. No matter how many precious jewels or materials make up the physical construction of heaven, nothing will ever be of greater value than the God who loves us and died to save us. Recommended Resource: Heaven by Randy Alcorn Dig into this topic more with Logos Bible Software—Get 10% off any base package. Submit Related Topics: Are there pearly gates in heaven? What are the New Heavens and the New Earth? What is the significance of the twelve gates in Revelation 21? What is the New Jerusalem? Will we have physical bodies in Heaven? Return to: Questions about Heaven, Hell, and Eternity Return to: Home Will there literally be streets of gold in heaven?
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